A pinch of Fashion, Beauty and Good food =) ^my personal Blog^

Thursday, October 11, 2012

pop-up in front of my doorstep!

Hey there!
Well as you might know I'am giving guided tours at 'Designhuis Eindhoven' and had yesterday my first tour.
Something that caught my eye was this ''mini pop-up store'' in the cafeteria, i was small nothing too complicated but also build in a way that the next day everything could be gone.

So I saw this old but still new upcoming trend in a magazine and with my own eyes and decided that it's time to write about it.
the Pop-up store!

What is it?
A pop up store is most of the time a small store that opens up for a very short term, it can be used one day for selling clothes and the next day it can turn into a mini bakery.

Why is it cool?
As much as we love shopping, we easily get bored of always the same stores, not only is this concept amazing but also helps with the economy. Especially for entrepreneurs that just want to try out their new stores to see if people are interested in their products.
Besides being amazing, peculiar and also refreshing all these new little stores popping up like little flowers!

Check out these pictures

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